Sunday, September 30, 2007

BIBLES... and more Bibles!

Because of Justin Wyatt, a friend of our son, Tim, and the generosity of North River Baptist Church, Rosewell, Georgia. Claudia went shopping... shopping for Bibles. You can tell, she loves it! Because of the gift she purchased Bibles in Luganda, Ateso, Acholi, Lango, Alur, and English. We have 58 tribes, each with their own language. While we minister to Luganda speakers, we seek to help others who are ministering across Uganda with Bibles. She purchased 17 cases... about 416 Bibles. Thank you North River!

Surprised by God

I went to the Kibuli Celebration for a regular, normal 3 hour worship service. I even wore a white shirt and tie today. As we were singing and dancing (I know Baptist aren't suppose to but I'm not sure what you call what I do.), "Busa" came in. He joined the worship. Then I noticed him walking over to Pastor Deo and giving him a plastic black bag. The service continued. Pastor preached from 2 Samuel 9 about the "Grace of God". At the end of the service, "Busa" waked forward to pray to receive Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. We then find out that "Busa" was a leader in the local Mosque. Today, he declared that he was no longer a follower of Mohammed but is a follower of Jesus Christ.

Where did "Busa" come from? Kibuli, but where. A few weeks back our volunteers were sharing the Gospel with many Muslims in Kibuli. Is he one who heard, even at a distance? I don't know. But one thing I do know... heaven and the Kibuli celebration were really rejoicing...I mean really rejoicing. He will be baptized at the end of the month. Thanks for praying and please continue.

It seems to the norm ... to be SURPRISED BY GOD!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Praise God for Volunteers!

Another Baptism at the Lake

There are not enough superlatives to express our thanksgiving and praise to God for volunteers who come to serve along side of us (missionaries and Ugandans) in the work. We have just concluded with a team from Georgia (7) and Florida (2). As result of their prayer walking, evangelizing, sharing their testimonies, and preaching, we baptized 16 their first Sunday here and 32, their last Sunday.

Charlie and Garnett were the two from Florida. They are members of Kathleen Baptist Church where we served together for 16 years. What a joy and delight to have them representing our home church in the ministry here.

Johnny,Jerry, Miles, Donna, Melissa, Sandra, and Jessica (NC) representing Mt. Pisgah, from Ringold, Georgia. For Miles and Jerry, this was their second time to work with Kampala Urban Team.

Volunteers help the work so much. With volunteers, we are able, with our Ugandan leaders, to push the work ahead by months. Thank you for coming and giving of yourselves.