Sunday, October 22, 2006

Changing Seasons

In Uganda, the seasons don't change! Claudia has always loved the changing of the seasons and especially the changing color of the leaves. This was a special treat for her. Posted by Picasa

FALL has arrived!

Tim and Janet took a day off to take us across northern Virginia to see the leaves. Posted by Picasa


After the Global Mission Conference, Claudia had lunch with some KBC ladies at her favorite place to eat in Lakeland - Crispers! Posted by Picasa

Global Mission Conference

Dateline -Kathleen, Florida

Claudia and I experienced a most rewarding weekend as we shared in the Global Mission Conference at our home church. There is no doubt how committed our church is to the Great Commission. They always bless me by their praying, giving, sending and going that the ends of the earth. Posted by Picasa