Saturday, March 31, 2007


These are the feet of a lady dying with HIV-AIDS. Her body is weak. Her sister's house where she lives is 5 feet wide and 10 feet long...a one room house! At night there is no bed to sleep on. Sleeping on the floor, at night the rats eat on her feet. Hard to believe isn't it? One of Claudia's friends took us to pray for her. While we were praying, more than 50 people gathered outside to hear the gospel. 20+ prayed to receive Christ. A House Church is being born!
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1000 Bibles

Thank you First Baptist Brandon, Mississippi for 1,000 Lugandan Bibles. It is not always easy to get Bibles here. Many, many times, we have gone to get a case (24 Bibles) only to be told they are finished (They don't have any.). They would tell us maybe next month or two or three or maybe next year. FBC bought 41 cases. They will be distributed to our house churches and used in evangelism.

It was a wonderful gift to the Kampala Christian Network and Life Ministry (that's the name of the house church network that we work with). Thank you!
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Friday, March 30, 2007


We have enjoyed our best AGM since being in the country. God has blessed us with wonderful regional leadership who shared not only the week with us but their vission for reaching East Africa for the Lord. Our Team Leader and his wife received their five year service pin. Claudia and I were honored by being asked to pin them. Continue to pray for the Kampala Urban Team.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

13 Saved!

Yesterday, Claudia and I planned to go to Kikaaya just on the edge of Kampala to meet with a group about starting a house church. Earlier in the morning, Claudia saw Godfrey and asked if he could go with us. It was a God-thing from beginning to end! When we arrived, they spoke little English. If Godfrey had not been with us, it would have been a dry-run. When we asked about singing... they knew NO SONGS! In Islam, there is nothing to sing about and no one to sing to. And most of these were Muslims. Finally, there was one young man who knew an English praise song. We shared the gospel of Jesus Christ and 13 prayed to receive Christ including the three Jjajjas in this picture. There were about 20+ there with half being men.

Please pray for this new work that it will become a house church filled with praise to God our heavenly Father.
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Monday, March 19, 2007

IT'S A BOY!!!!!

I keep waiting on Tim to tell everybody... but I've waited long enough... Janet and Tim are going to have a baby BOY on or about July 23rd. YES... we are going to try and make the trip home to Richmond for "Raz's" birth. We are going to find out what it's like to be GRANDPARENTS!!!!
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Rachel's Play at HIS

Claudia and I got to attend a play at Rachel school last Friday. It was a play about Jonah and how God used Jonah to save a people.

We are proud of our MKs and how they love God!

Pray for the children of all the missionaries you know who live overseas.
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