Thursday, June 14, 2007

House Church in the Rain

It is rainy season and that always hampers the folks getting to the house churches because rains here are BIG ONES.  Yesterday, it had been raining off and on and we felt that we should cancel the house church at Kawuku but no one there has a phone for us to call and check on the situation.  We hated not to show….but remember that for the most part our groups meet outside.   But Dickens, our Ugandan leader for that group, insisted that we go…he said, "they will be waiting….they will!"  So we went and about 8 were meeting in Prosse's little 8' x 12' room, which also has 2 single beds for her and 4 children. As we began to sing and worship, 7 more crowded in.  Danny could see the doorway and told me many were standing outside in the rain…some with umbrellas and some without.  The rain began to lessen so we all went outside to join them and had a great group of 30 folks, plus children.  And we had a wonderful worship service.  How we wish that you all could experience some of their services. 

Sunday, June 10, 2007

…and it RAINED and RAINED

Today Danny and I went to different churches to give support in two places. It started raining and since I had the car I had to go get Danny because he had ridden a boda to church. He called at 1:30 and my service was not over…his was…so I decided I should leave and go get him because we would probably be another 30 minutes …and it would take 30 minutes to get to where he was. My church would probably even go longer than 30 more minutes because it was raining and they really would not want to leave church in the rain. So I slipped out and took different road home so as not to pass the church window and cause a distraction. I travel the Buziga area often but not in this direction. And the very narrow roads were gushing with caverns of red mud and water and I just did not know where my tires were going and there was really no way to turn around. My heart was beating fast and I kept thinking around the next bend would be better. Well, it wasn't. I came to two very narrow road spots and the road was slanting on my side and the ditch was deep and filled with water gushing and I had no choice but to ease along with great prayer that my tires would stay on the little bit of roadway I had. I was fearful….and even if I called Danny he would have no idea where to come to…in the rain…on a boda. I came upon a car in a deep ditch with about 10 men trying to get where they could lift it out…and yet they showed me a way…a scary way…that they assured me I could use to go around them. And thankfully I was able. I finally stopped and decided to go up to a house and see if they could tell me where the main road was and if the road I was on was passable in front of me…all I could see was water. I got out and stepped in water above ankles, flip flop stuck in mud….I took my foot out and instantly it began to float quickly down stream. A 5 year old child happened to be out in the road and she ran and fetched it for me. And then I looked back and a car was approaching me so I precariously walked in mud to him to find out if he had travelled this road today. He said, "Yes, that I could make it." And so off I went. Thank you, Father, that the main road was only about 100 yards further around the bend. So off I am to pick up Danny. We mentioned at lunch that we have been so blessed by the Father to not have experienced a tragedy with the roads, traffic and congestion here. God has heard and answered prayers.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Baby Christy

In Uganda, it is a honor to have a baby named for you. Benin and his wife, Beteth, named their firstborn Christy after Christy Mitchell who was an ISC missionary for two years in Kampala. Congratulations everybody!
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Lottie Moon Offering

We have just heard that Southern Baptists topped the 2006 Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goal, delivering the largest gift in the offering's 118-year history. We thank the Lord for this offering that will be used in making Jesus Christ known among all peoples.

We are grateful to the Lord for Southern Baptists who have given so faithfully and generously to support missionaries like us all over the world. We are laborer together to see the glory of God cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. Without you we could not what we do. Thank you.


We have updated out web-site. Please check it out, especially the Newsletter. Claudia is so gifted in sharing the heart of Uganda and our journey in telling His story. It really is the only story worth telling. It is the story of the life changing God who so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in JESUS might be saved. The reason why must people are lost is that no one has ever know them the Way.

Thursday, June 07, 2007


Tim and Janet have created a BLOG . Hopefully, Tim will post some pictures of Janet pregnant with "Raz". There is a story behind the name "Raz" and it's Tim's fault. "Raz" is not going to be his real name but it is what I will call him (if his mother allows). He's due July 23rd.

Monday, June 04, 2007

1,000 Baptized

Today the Kampala Christian Church Network baptized over 1000 adults in the last three years. WOW! 65 were baptized today taking us over the 1000 mark. Praise God. Continue to pray for these new believers and for leaders to step forward in order that the vision of reaching Kampala for Christ might be realized.
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John's Last Service at Kibuli

John and Deo preaching the Word! John, Rebekah, Rachel, and Sarah have finished their assignment here in Uganda and are moving to North Africa to work among another people group. Under their leadership the Kampala Christian Church Network has grown to more than 80 house churches and T4T training groups.

Pray for the Barnetts as they move into this new field of ministry.
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