Wednesday, November 29, 2006


May we among the first to wish you a very special Christmas greeting from Uganda, East Africa.

Thank you for visiting our blog. We hope as you view the pictures and read the notes, you will pray for the people of Uganda and the ministry here in Kampala.

Christmas always reminds us that God so loved the world that He gave Jesus. To know Him is to experience eternal life. There are still so many who have never heard. Because you give to the Cooperative Program, SBC, and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions, more than 5,000 missionaries in over 130 countries, keep telling the story of Jesus and His love. ...that they might know.

Thank You. Posted by Picasa

A New T4T Group

I started meeting with a group of ladies a few weeks back to see their true interest in learning more about the Bible. We are now moving into starting the T4T classes because they are becoming faithful and eager to learn. Out of this group is developing another group of women who have become willing to identify themselves as having HIV. They know their life expectancy is short but they are excited to begin to understand more about God and His love. I will be meeting with them again this Saturday. So you can pray that this can also become a strong house church. Two of the HIV women are in this picture. Pray for these two new groups. Posted by Picasa

Grasshopper Season

It is so much fun to watch the children and adults with their grasshoppers, catching and eating them. They pull the wings and feet, and then down the hatch. I've eaten them cooked! Claudia won't even try them! Most of our volunteers at least give them a try. For the Ugandans, it is like candy. Posted by Picasa


Yesterday, I was in Soweto for one of our House Churches. While we were singing a child brought his car and put it on the bench. In his homemade pickup was a live green uncooked grasshopper that would become his snack before the service was over. Posted by Picasa


This is one of newest fellowships that started last Wednesday in a heavy rain. My team leader reminded me that now we have 54 House Churches and 10 separate T4T Trainings. Today a young lady was saved and I got to preach. It is exciting to see what God is doing. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I Needed My Camera

Yesterday was a fun day. John, my leader, is in Jinja and had asked me to teach T4T for him. Afterwards, Joseph said, "I forgot" but will you preach at Mbuya at 3pm. Of course, I said, "yes".

People inside and outside ... then the rain ... there were over 30 of us in this one room. I had Claudia camera. I needed my camera to capture more than what you are seeing.

This is one of our house churches! Posted by Picasa


It's raining every day... off and on ... for hours. Today I was headed to the slum area in Kampala to join up with Joseph and others to celebrate the opening of another house church. We now have over 4o HCs in our network.

The sun finally came out about 3 o'clock and Claudia headed off to a ladies Bible study for young women. Posted by Picasa

Godfrey Biking for Jesus

It makes me miss my bikes when I see pictures like this, BUT Godfrey is riding with these guys having targeted two of them (Muslims) to share the Gospel.

Homeland Baptist Church, Lakeland, Florida, provided the money through their VBS offering for us to get him this bike. Thank you. He is the one on the front right.

Godfrey is my partner in ministry. He takes my Georgia english and puts it into Luganda. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 16, 2006

106 in Day!

Pastor Deo has for several months wanted to baptize over 100 in one day. Well, last Sunday, we baptized 106 in our church. PTL! To date the Kampala Christian Network (The name of our church) has baptized over 500 since January 2006. To God be the glory! Posted by Picasa

First Baptist Church Brandon, Mississippi

Eleven of God's finest under the leadership of Dr. Scott. These mighty warriors (as our Ugandan friends call them) went all over Kampala winning people to faith in Jesus Christ. God used them to lead over 250 people to saving faith. We thank God for these and folks like them who come as volunteers to Uganda.

Thank you! Posted by Picasa

"Is it nothing...."

I was reminded of a passage from the Psalms-- "Is it nothing to you, all you who pass by." It is so easy just to walk by the children ... walk by the need .... It is so easy to see without seeing, hear without hearing. Where do you find your daily food?

May we always keep a heart that can be touched. Posted by Picasa

Heading Home

You would think it would be easy getting back home. However, what was suppose to be 20 something hours turned into 40 something hours.

As we approached Etebbe, the pilot told the tower he could not see any runway lights. They had been out for 5 hours. Nobody told the inbound planes. Off to Nairobi ...sit on plane 4+ hours... next day second try at getting home ... airport closed in Uganda ... another 4+ hours sitting on the plane ... third time ... we made it home. Posted by Picasa